Whilst we’ve always known there are many differences between men and women, new research carried out by vehicle check provider Mycarcheck.com has shown how their views differ when buying a used car.
After the sale price, men are most concerned by style, power and features. In contrast, women are most concerned by fuel efficiency and running costs after sale price.
When it comes to viewing a vehicle before buying, women feel uncomfortable physically checking the vehicle. On the other hand, men feel uncomfortable negotiating the sale price.
The survey also revealed that men and women differ on their views on their driving ability too. 60% of men believe they are good drivers, whereas only 47% of women think so. In addition, it appears young male drivers also have a different view of their abilities. The vast majority believe themselves to be good drivers, but when asked which drivers respondents are most scared of on the road, every other age category pointed out young male drivers as the worst!
Carry out a vehicle check on any used car in the UK by downloading the My Car Check app (available on iOS or Android devices), texting the reg to 83600 or visiting Mycarcheck.com.
The post Men and Women differ on Used Car Buying Priorities appeared first on Automotorblog: Daily news on cars and motorcycles.